How to Bond with Your Newly Adopted Cat? Tips You Need to Know!

Mar 14, 2023

You've got a lovely new furry friend in your house! You'll have a lot of fun seeing your new kitten develop, and she/he will undoubtedly be the center of your attention!


There are many things you can do to aid with your cat's adjustment, but it's vital to keep in mind that it may take some time. When placed in unfamiliar circumstances, cats are prone to being a little suspicious, and your newly adopted cat probably won't be any different. When you first bring them in, they may even slide off into an unreachable hiding place; this is normal, and eventually, they will venture outside again, but you must watch out for them.


Learn about the personality of your cat.

Just like people, cats have unique personalities that can vary based on breed and individual temperament. Understanding your cat's personality can help you bond with them and provide the best care possible. For example, some breeds such as the Devon Rex and Oriental breeds like the Balinese and Oriental Shorthair tend to be more social and enjoy human companionship. However, breeds like the British Shorthair, European Shorthair, and Persian are generally more independent and may not seek out as much attention from their humans.




By observing your cat's behavior and preferences, you can better understand their personality and cater to their needs of play. Cats who are naturally active and playful tend to enjoy the excitement of hunting and having fun, while cats with more subdued personalities may prefer to sit still. Our PlayfulPaws Interactive Cat Ball (KITPLUS PlayfulPaws Interactive Cat Ball (40% OFF Early Bird Discount) – KITPLUS PET) has been designed with these differing personality traits in mind, featuring three unique movement modes. Through the convenience of our app, these modes can be easily controlled remotely, even when you're not home. This allows your feline friends to continue having a blast and enjoying playtime, no matter where you are.


Provide them with all their necessities.

To ensure your cat's well-being and happiness, it's important to remember that cats are independent animals, and they prefer having their own space and belongings (e.g. bed, feeder, water dispenser, and scratching posts). This will make them feel secure and in control of their environment. Tey enjoy having their own independence, although cats can live with other cats or dogs.


So when you first bring your cat home, it's best to give them a room with everything they need. Once they feel comfortable in their new space, you can gradually let them explore the rest of the house. By providing your cat with their own space and resources, you'll create a comfortable and healthy living environment for them.


Give them respect

Cats are quite independent and will do their own thing, but there are some signs that they're open to interacting with you. If a cat walks up to you with their tail up or rubs against you, it's a good sign that they're comfortable with you. Before trying to pet them, let them sniff your hand first. That way, they can get used to your scent and recognize you as a friendly presence. Also, it's important to remember that they like being petted on their head rather than their stomachs.


If you notice their tail wagging, ears flicking, or body moving, it might be a sign they're not enjoying it, so it's best to stop. If a cat starts backing away, they might not be ready to interact with you just yet. But once they're comfortable, they might purr, knead, or rub their head against your hand. That's a sure sign they're enjoying your company. Always respect a cat's boundaries and let them decide how they want to interact with you.



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